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No Author(s) Research Title Publisher & Date 1 Elias Bensalem Robert Trevethan Language Anxiety in Study-Abroad Students of Arabic in Morocco: Exploring the Underlying Factors Under review 2 Sami Alanazi Elias Bensalem Undergraduate Research EFL Students’ Experiences in Building ePortfolios Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences, Spain 2022 3 Elias Bensalem Fahad Alenazi Using Speaking ePortfolios to Enhance Oral English Language Skills among EFL Students Vivat Academia, Spain. 2022 4 Saud Alenazi Elias Bensalem The Effect of using WhatsApp on EFL Students' Medical English Vocabulary Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic English Studies at New Bulgarian...
With CRISPR/Cas, it’s easy to disrupt a targeted gene, or, if a DNA template is added to the mix, insert a new sequence at the precise spot desired = The future of Cell Therapy
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Shabir M, Kizilbash N, Alzahrani AK, Suhail N , Ambreen J. Microemulsion-based Transdermal Drug Delivery System Incorporating Levofloxacin Hemihydrate for Skin Infections. Research Journal of Biotechnology. 2022; 17(6): 81-88.