مقرر هندسة المياه الجوفية (1401455) يغطي هذا المقرر والذي يُدَرَّس باللغة الإنجليزية مفاهيم وتقنيات هندسة المياه الجوفية لتحديد هيكل خزانات المياه الجوفية، أنواع الخزانات الجوفية وكذلك حركة المياه...
Introduction (pavement types, component and characteristics), Soil classification, Soil strength, Soil stabilization, Highway drainage, Introduction to highway materials, Pavement design according to...
Introduction, Human and vehicle characteristics, Traffic flow characteristics, Capacity analysis, Intersection control, Traffic signal design, Parking and terminal facilities, Introduction to...
Introduction to hydrology and water resources engineering, Hydrologic cycle, Measurement and analysis of precipitation, evaporation, infiltration and stream flows, Water balance, Reservoirs operation...
Vector operations. Equilibrium of a particle and a rigid body. Free-body diagram. Force systems. Moments and Couples. Equivalent systems. Trusses. Frames and machines. Friction forces.
The analyses of most structures are carried out with the aid of computer programs based on the stiffness method, which is a subset of the more general method called the Finite Element Method. This...
Analysis of Statically Determinate Structures, Beams, Frames, and Arches. Influence line for statically determinate structures, Deflection of Statically Determinate Beams and frames. Three Moment...
Introduction; Water properties; Water hydrostatics; Pipe flow analysis and design; Pipe networks; Uniform and non-uniform flow in open channels; Hydraulic machinery (pumps and turbines); Flow...