Osama M. A. Yousif Zakariya M. S. Mohammed, Mohamed Ben Ammar, Ashraf F. A. Mahmoud, Mohyaldein Salih, Faroug A. Abdalla, Elfadl E. M. Elzein, Mohammed Mamoun Ahmed Abubaker, Omer M. A. Hamed https://ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/10462
Achraf Ben Miled, Mohammed Ahmed Elhossiny, Marwa Anwar Ibrahim Elghazawy, Ashraf FA Mahmoud, Faroug A Abdalla https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.7713
Ali Satty, Mohyaldein Salih, Faroug A Abdalla, Ashraf F A. Mahmoud, Elzain AE Gumma, Gamal Saad Mohamed Khamis, Ahmed MA Adam, Abaker A Hassaballa, Omer MA Hamed, Zakariya MS Mohammed https://doi.org/10.1007/s44197-024-00253-1
Sana Abdelaziz Bkheet Gamal Saad Mohamed Khamis,Zakariya M. S. Mohammed,Sultan Munadi Alanazi,Ashraf F. A. Mahmoud, Faroug A. Abdalla https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.9076
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Study Of Cyber Security Challenges And Its Emergning Trends On Latest Technologies