١٠ Safar ٤٦
Greetings God willing, the lectures will start next Sunday according to the college table, please commit to attending. Best of luck to everyone.
٠٤ Muharram ٤٦
Award For Excellence in Scientific Research From The University Rector
٠٤ Muharram ٤٦
Award For Excellence in Scientific Research
٠٣ Muharram ٤٦
Award For Excellence in Scientific Research From The University Rector
٠٣ Muharram ٤٦
Award For Excellence in Scientific Research From The University Rector
٠٣ Muharram ٤٦
Award For Excellence in Scientific Research
٠٣ Muharram ٤٦
Certificate of Appreciation From The Deanship of Scientific Research For 2023
٢٠ Thul-Qi’dah ٤٥
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته تنظم وحدة شؤون الطلاب بكلية الطب معرضا فنيا للرسم التجريدي بالرصاص و ذلك ببهو كلية الطب بشطر الطلاب يوم الثلاثاء 2/4/1445 الموافق 17/10/2023 ثم ببهو كلية الطب شطر...
٠٣ Thul-Qi’dah ٤٥
To raise awareness of their responsibilities and Rights in the community of medical campus. -To know the academic supervisor job