BannerThis service allows faculty members to view information on the BannerBeneficiaries: Faculty members Click Here to go to the Banner كيفية استخدام الخدمةVisit NBU's Portal Go to E-servicesClick on " Faculty Members Services"Enter your ID and PasswordClick on Request Service" Listen Print<none>-A A +ASectionsStaff ServiceRating PoorNot so poorAverageGoodVery goodSaveLast Change Date 23 Muharram 1444Service Satisfaction?To rate the service, you need to login. Loginخدمات اخرى Marafiq - Operation and MaintenanceEmployees ServiceStaff ServiceMarafiq BlackBoardStudents ServiceStaff ServiceBlackBoard Academic Calendar Employees ServiceStaff ServiceStudents ServiceAcademic calendar TestahelEmployees ServiceStaff ServiceStudents ServiceTestahel