Image Listen Print<none>-A A +APublished Date 25 Jumada Al-Alkhirah 1446Last Change Date 25 Jumada Al-Alkhirah 1446Rating PoorNot so poorAverageGoodVery goodSaveLatest News 25 Jumada Al-Alkhirah 1446 The President of Northern Border University inspects the classrooms and interacts with the joint first-year students 25 Jumada Al-Alkhirah 1446 The university celebrates the International Day for Tolerance and World International Students Day 25 Jumada Al-Alkhirah 1446 Preparation workshop for the SNLE examination 25 Jumada Al-Alkhirah 1446 Scientific meeting entitled: Home Healthcare Scheduling and Routing Problem
25 Jumada Al-Alkhirah 1446 The President of Northern Border University inspects the classrooms and interacts with the joint first-year students
25 Jumada Al-Alkhirah 1446 The university celebrates the International Day for Tolerance and World International Students Day
25 Jumada Al-Alkhirah 1446 Scientific meeting entitled: Home Healthcare Scheduling and Routing Problem