About the program


Leadership & distinction in preparing highly qualified professional graduate to fulfill the needs of the local labor market in the Human Resources Field. 


Preparing academically qualified and distinguished cadres professionally and vocationally in the Human Resources Management field by linking theoretical knowledge with practical applications, according to the most modern methods of education and training in a supportive educational environment, and maintaining alignment with the best academic and professional practices and national quality assurance standards. In order to achieve the needs of development and labor market. 



  • Providing students with theoretical and applied knowledge, skills, and values related to all aspects and issues of Human Resources Management and associated administrative, financial, quantitative, and legal sciences in order to achieve the needs of development and labor market. 

  • Developing communication and critical thinking skills and their application in the field of Human Resources Management to contribute effectively in solving related problems and develop leadership skills. 
  • Preparing students to attain vocational and professional certificates related to the major and development of their entrepreneurial abilities.
  • Focusing on applied training efficiently and effectively, enabling students to use modern technical methods in planning and analyzing work within business organizations. 
  • Promoting a spirit of teamwork, responsibility, and commitment to professional ethic.