About the Department

The Department of Physiotherapy holds significant importance in the Kingdom for conferring Bachelor's degrees in Occupational Therapy at Northern Border University. Occupational therapy is a crucial medical rehabilitation discipline focused on aiding individuals affected by physical, neurological, cognitive, psychological, or developmental ailments and injuries that hinder their daily activities. This is achieved through meaningful therapeutic interventions tailored to the patient, environmental adaptations, and task modifications.


Dr. Mansour Mohammed Al-Otaibi
Head of Rehabilitation Department

برامج الكلية

اسم البرنامجالمسارالكليةالقسمالموقعالدرجة العلميةالساعات الدراسيةالخطة الدراسية
Physical TherapyCollege of Medical SciencesDepartment of Physical TherapyArarBachelor Programs132

Vision and Mission


Leading occupational therapy programs at the regional level and contributing to developing and improving the level of health care provided through scientific research.


Providing a pioneering learning and research environment to produce highly qualified occupational therapy graduates who can contribute to the health care of the community through knowledge and skills that keep pace with the latest scientific developments.


  • Advanced and high-quality educational programs.
  • Providing the appropriate educational and research environment.
  • Preparing the necessary laboratories and educational tools.
  • Providing highly qualified human cadres.
  • Providing practical and clinical training opportunities that comply with international standards.